Node Config (TOML)

This document describes the TOML format for configuration.

See also: Secrets Config


Log.Level = 'debug'

ChainID = '1' # Required

Name = 'fake' # Required
WSURL = 'wss://'
HTTPURL = '' # Required


InsecureFastScrypt = false # Default
RootDir = '~/.chainlink' # Default
ShutdownGracePeriod = '5s' # Default


InsecureFastScrypt = false # Default

InsecureFastScrypt causes all key stores to encrypt using "fast" scrypt params instead. This is insecure and only useful for local testing. DO NOT ENABLE THIS IN PRODUCTION.


RootDir = '~/.chainlink' # Default

RootDir is the Chainlink node's root directory. This is the default directory for logging, database backups, cookies, and other misc Chainlink node files. Chainlink nodes will always ensure this directory has 700 permissions because it might contain sensitive data.


ShutdownGracePeriod = '5s' # Default

ShutdownGracePeriod is the maximum time allowed to shut down gracefully. If exceeded, the node will terminate immediately to avoid being SIGKILLed.


FeedsManager = true # Default
LogPoller = false # Default
UICSAKeys = false # Default
CCIP = true # Default
MultiFeedsManagers = false # Default


FeedsManager = true # Default

FeedsManager enables the feeds manager service.


LogPoller = false # Default

LogPoller enables the log poller, an experimental approach to processing logs, required if also using Evm.UseForwarders or OCR2.


UICSAKeys = false # Default

UICSAKeys enables CSA Keys in the UI.


CCIP = true # Default

CCIP enables the CCIP service.


MultiFeedsManagers = false # Default

MultiFeedsManagers enables support for multiple feeds manager connections.


DefaultIdleInTxSessionTimeout = '1h' # Default
DefaultLockTimeout = '15s' # Default
DefaultQueryTimeout = '10s' # Default
LogQueries = false # Default
MaxIdleConns = 10 # Default
MaxOpenConns = 100 # Default
MigrateOnStartup = true # Default


DefaultIdleInTxSessionTimeout = '1h' # Default

DefaultIdleInTxSessionTimeout is the maximum time allowed for a transaction to be open and idle before timing out. See Postgres idle_in_transaction_session_timeout for more details.


DefaultLockTimeout = '15s' # Default

DefaultLockTimeout is the maximum time allowed to wait for database lock of any kind before timing out. See Postgres lock_timeout for more details.


DefaultQueryTimeout = '10s' # Default

DefaultQueryTimeout is the maximum time allowed for standard queries before timing out.


LogQueries = false # Default

LogQueries tells the Chainlink node to log database queries made using the default logger. SQL statements will be logged at debug level. Not all statements can be logged. The best way to get a true log of all SQL statements is to enable SQL statement logging on Postgres.


MaxIdleConns = 10 # Default

MaxIdleConns configures the maximum number of idle database connections that the Chainlink node will keep open. Think of this as the baseline number of database connections per Chainlink node instance. Increasing this number can help to improve performance under database-heavy workloads.

Postgres has connection limits, so you must use caution when increasing this value. If you are running several instances of a Chainlink node or another application on a single database server, you might run out of Postgres connection slots if you raise this value too high.


MaxOpenConns = 100 # Default

MaxOpenConns configures the maximum number of database connections that a Chainlink node will have open at any one time. Think of this as the maximum burst upper bound limit of database connections per Chainlink node instance. Increasing this number can help to improve performance under database-heavy workloads.

Postgres has connection limits, so you must use caution when increasing this value. If you are running several instances of a Chainlink node or another application on a single database server, you might run out of Postgres connection slots if you raise this value too high.


MigrateOnStartup = true # Default

MigrateOnStartup controls whether a Chainlink node will attempt to automatically migrate the database on boot. If you want more control over your database migration process, set this variable to false and manually migrate the database using the CLI migrate command instead.


Mode = 'none' # Default
Dir = 'test/backup/dir' # Example
OnVersionUpgrade = true # Default
Frequency = '1h' # Default

As a best practice, take regular database backups in case of accidental data loss. This best practice is especially important when you upgrade your Chainlink node to a new version. Chainlink nodes support automated database backups to make this process easier.

NOTE: Dumps can cause high load and massive database latencies, which will negatively impact the normal functioning of the Chainlink node. For this reason, it is recommended to set a URL and point it to a read replica if you enable automatic backups.


Mode = 'none' # Default

Mode sets the type of automatic database backup, which can be one of none, lite, or full. If enabled, the Chainlink node will always dump a backup on every boot before running migrations. Additionally, it will automatically take database backups that overwrite the backup file for the given version at regular intervals if Frequency is set to a non-zero interval.

none - Disables backups. lite - Dumps small tables including configuration and keys that are essential for the node to function, which excludes historical data like job runs, transaction history, etc. full - Dumps the entire database.

It will write to a file like 'Dir'/backup/cl_backup_<VERSION>.dump. There is one backup dump file per version of the Chainlink node. If you upgrade the node, it will keep the backup taken right before the upgrade migration so you can restore to an older version if necessary.


Dir = 'test/backup/dir' # Example

Dir sets the directory to use for saving the backup file. Use this if you want to save the backup file in a directory other than the default ROOT directory.


OnVersionUpgrade = true # Default

OnVersionUpgrade enables automatic backups of the database before running migrations, when you are upgrading to a new version.


Frequency = '1h' # Default

Frequency sets the interval for database dumps, if set to a positive duration and Mode is not none.

Set to 0 to disable periodic backups.


MaxReconnectDuration = '10m' # Default
MinReconnectInterval = '1m' # Default
FallbackPollInterval = '30s' # Default

These settings control the postgres event listener.


MaxReconnectDuration = '10m' # Default

MaxReconnectDuration is the maximum duration to wait between reconnect attempts.


MinReconnectInterval = '1m' # Default

MinReconnectInterval controls the duration to wait before trying to re-establish the database connection after connection loss. After each consecutive failure this interval is doubled, until MaxReconnectInterval is reached. Successfully completing the connection establishment procedure resets the interval back to MinReconnectInterval.


FallbackPollInterval = '30s' # Default

FallbackPollInterval controls how often clients should manually poll as a fallback in case the postgres event was missed/dropped.


Enabled = true # Default
LeaseDuration = '10s' # Default
LeaseRefreshInterval = '1s' # Default

Ideally, you should use a container orchestration system like Kubernetes to ensure that only one Chainlink node instance can ever use a specific Postgres database. However, some node operators do not have the technical capacity to do this. Common use cases run multiple Chainlink node instances in failover mode as recommended by our official documentation. The first instance takes a lock on the database and subsequent instances will wait trying to take this lock in case the first instance fails.

  • If your nodes or applications hold locks open for several hours or days, Postgres is unable to complete internal cleanup tasks. The Postgres maintainers explicitly discourage holding locks open for long periods of time.

Because of the complications with advisory locks, Chainlink nodes with v2.0 and later only support lease locking mode. The lease locking mode works using the following process:

  • Node A creates one row in the database with the client ID and updates it once per second.
  • Node B spinlocks and checks periodically to see if the client ID is too old. If the client ID is not updated after a period of time, node B assumes that node A failed and takes over. Node B becomes the owner of the row and updates the client ID once per second.
  • If node A comes back, it attempts to take out a lease, realizes that the database has been leased to another process, and exits the entire application immediately.


Enabled = true # Default

Enabled enables the database lock.


LeaseDuration = '10s' # Default

LeaseDuration is how long the lease lock will last before expiring.


LeaseRefreshInterval = '1s' # Default

LeaseRefreshInterval determines how often to refresh the lease lock. Also controls how often a standby node will check to see if it can grab the lease.


UniConn = false # Default
Logging = false # Default
BufferSize = 100 # Default
MaxBatchSize = 50 # Default
SendInterval = '500ms' # Default
SendTimeout = '10s' # Default
UseBatchSend = true # Default


UniConn = false # Default

UniConn toggles which ws connection style is used.


Logging = false # Default

Logging toggles verbose logging of the raw telemetry messages being sent.


BufferSize = 100 # Default

BufferSize is the number of telemetry messages to buffer before dropping new ones.


MaxBatchSize = 50 # Default

MaxBatchSize is the maximum number of messages to batch into one telemetry request.


SendInterval = '500ms' # Default

SendInterval determines how often batched telemetry is sent to the ingress server.


SendTimeout = '10s' # Default

SendTimeout is the max duration to wait for the request to complete when sending batch telemetry.


UseBatchSend = true # Default

UseBatchSend toggles sending telemetry to the ingress server using the batch client.


[[TelemetryIngress.Endpoints]] # Example
Network = 'EVM' # Example
ChainID = '111551111' # Example
ServerPubKey = 'test-pub-key-111551111-evm' # Example
URL = 'localhost-111551111-evm:9000' # Example


Network = 'EVM' # Example

Network aka EVM, Solana, Starknet


ChainID = '111551111' # Example

ChainID of the network


ServerPubKey = 'test-pub-key-111551111-evm' # Example

ServerPubKey is the public key of the telemetry server.


URL = 'localhost-111551111-evm:9000' # Example

URL is where to send telemetry.


Enabled = false # Default
ForwardToUrl = 'http://localhost:9898' # Example
JsonWrapperKey = 'event' # Example
Headers = ['Authorization: token', 'X-SomeOther-Header: value with spaces | and a bar+*'] # Example


Enabled = false # Default

Enabled determines if this logger should be configured at all


ForwardToUrl = 'http://localhost:9898' # Example

ForwardToUrl is where you want to forward logs to


JsonWrapperKey = 'event' # Example

JsonWrapperKey if set wraps the map of data under another single key to make parsing easier


Headers = ['Authorization: token', 'X-SomeOther-Header: value with spaces | and a bar+*'] # Example

Headers is the set of headers you wish to pass along with each request


Level = 'info' # Default
JSONConsole = false # Default
UnixTS = false # Default


Level = 'info' # Default

Level determines only what is printed on the screen/console. This configuration does not apply to the logs that are recorded in a file (see Log.File for more details).

The available levels are:

  • "debug": Useful for forensic debugging of issues.
  • "info": High-level informational messages. (default)
  • "warn": A mild error occurred that might require non-urgent action. Check these warnings semi-regularly to see if any of them require attention. These warnings usually happen due to factors outside of the control of the node operator. Examples: Unexpected responses from a remote API or misleading networking errors.
  • "error": An unexpected error occurred during the regular operation of a well-maintained node. Node operators might need to take action to remedy this error. Check these regularly to see if any of them require attention. Examples: Use of deprecated configuration options or incorrectly configured settings that cause a job to fail.
  • "crit": A critical error occurred. The node might be unable to function. Node operators should take immediate action to fix these errors. Examples: The node could not boot because a network socket could not be opened or the database became inaccessible.
  • "panic": An exceptional error occurred that could not be handled. If the node is unresponsive, node operators should try to restart their nodes and notify the Chainlink team of a potential bug.
  • "fatal": The node encountered an unrecoverable problem and had to exit.


JSONConsole = false # Default

JSONConsole enables JSON logging. Otherwise, the log is saved in a human-friendly console format.


UnixTS = false # Default

UnixTS enables legacy unix timestamps.

Previous versions of Chainlink nodes wrote JSON logs with a unix timestamp. As of v1.1.0 and up, the default has changed to use ISO8601 timestamps for better readability.


Dir = '/my/log/directory' # Example
MaxSize = '5120mb' # Default
MaxAgeDays = 0 # Default
MaxBackups = 1 # Default


Dir = '/my/log/directory' # Example

Dir sets the log directory. By default, Chainlink nodes write log data to $ROOT/log.jsonl.


MaxSize = '5120mb' # Default

MaxSize determines the log file's max size before file rotation. Having this not set or set to a value smaller than 1Mb will disable logging to disk. If your disk doesn't have enough disk space, the logging will pause and the application will log errors until space is available again.

Values must have suffixes with a unit like: 5120mb (5,120 megabytes). If no unit suffix is provided, the value defaults to b (bytes). The list of valid unit suffixes are:

  • b (bytes)
  • kb (kilobytes)
  • mb (megabytes)
  • gb (gigabytes)
  • tb (terabytes)


MaxAgeDays = 0 # Default

MaxAgeDays determines the log file's max age in days before file rotation. Keeping this config with the default value will not remove log files based on age.


MaxBackups = 1 # Default

MaxBackups determines the maximum number of old log files to retain. Keeping this config with the default value retains all old log files. The MaxAgeDays variable can still cause them to get deleted.


AuthenticationMethod = 'local' # Default
AllowOrigins = 'http://localhost:3000,http://localhost:6688' # Default
BridgeCacheTTL = '0s' # Default
BridgeResponseURL = '' # Example
HTTPWriteTimeout = '10s' # Default
HTTPPort = 6688 # Default
SecureCookies = true # Default
SessionTimeout = '15m' # Default
SessionReaperExpiration = '240h' # Default
HTTPMaxSize = '32768b' # Default
StartTimeout = '15s' # Default
ListenIP = '' # Default


AuthenticationMethod = 'local' # Default

AuthenticationMethod defines which pluggable auth interface to use for user login and role assumption. Options include 'local' and 'ldap'. See docs for more details


AllowOrigins = 'http://localhost:3000,http://localhost:6688' # Default

AllowOrigins controls the URLs Chainlink nodes emit in the Allow-Origins header of its API responses. The setting can be a comma-separated list with no spaces. You might experience CORS issues if this is not set correctly.

You should set this to the external URL that you use to access the Chainlink UI.

You can set AllowOrigins = '*' to allow the UI to work from any URL, but it is recommended for security reasons to make it explicit instead.


BridgeCacheTTL = '0s' # Default

BridgeCacheTTL controls the cache TTL for all bridge tasks to use old values in newer observations in case of intermittent failure. It's disabled by default.


BridgeResponseURL = '' # Example

BridgeResponseURL defines the URL for bridges to send a response to. This must be set when using async external adapters.

Usually this will be the same as the URL/IP and port you use to connect to the Chainlink UI.


HTTPWriteTimeout = '10s' # Default

HTTPWriteTimeout controls how long the Chainlink node's API server can hold a socket open for writing a response to an HTTP request. Sometimes, this must be increased for pprof.


HTTPPort = 6688 # Default

HTTPPort is the port used for the Chainlink Node API, CLI, and GUI.


SecureCookies = true # Default

SecureCookies requires the use of secure cookies for authentication. Set to false to enable standard HTTP requests along with TLSPort = 0.


SessionTimeout = '15m' # Default

SessionTimeout determines the amount of idle time to elapse before session cookies expire. This signs out GUI users from their sessions.


SessionReaperExpiration = '240h' # Default

SessionReaperExpiration represents how long an API session lasts before expiring and requiring a new login.


HTTPMaxSize = '32768b' # Default

HTTPMaxSize defines the maximum size for HTTP requests and responses made by the node server.


StartTimeout = '15s' # Default

StartTimeout defines the maximum amount of time the node will wait for a server to start.


ListenIP = '' # Default

ListenIP specifies the IP to bind the HTTP server to


ServerTLS = true # Default
SessionTimeout = '15m0s' # Default
QueryTimeout = '2m0s' # Default
BaseUserAttr = 'uid' # Default
BaseDN = 'dc=custom,dc=example,dc=com' # Example
UsersDN = 'ou=users' # Default
GroupsDN = 'ou=groups' # Default
ActiveAttribute = '' # Default
ActiveAttributeAllowedValue = '' # Default
AdminUserGroupCN = 'NodeAdmins' # Default
EditUserGroupCN = 'NodeEditors' # Default
RunUserGroupCN = 'NodeRunners' # Default
ReadUserGroupCN = 'NodeReadOnly' # Default
UserApiTokenEnabled = false # Default
UserAPITokenDuration = '240h0m0s' # Default
UpstreamSyncInterval = '0s' # Default
UpstreamSyncRateLimit = '2m0s' # Default

Optional LDAP config if WebServer.AuthenticationMethod is set to 'ldap' LDAP queries are all parameterized to support custom LDAP 'dn', 'cn', and attributes


ServerTLS = true # Default

ServerTLS defines the option to require the secure ldaps


SessionTimeout = '15m0s' # Default

SessionTimeout determines the amount of idle time to elapse before session cookies expire. This signs out GUI users from their sessions.


QueryTimeout = '2m0s' # Default

QueryTimeout defines how long queries should wait before timing out, defined in seconds


BaseUserAttr = 'uid' # Default

BaseUserAttr defines the base attribute used to populate LDAP queries such as "uid=$", default is example


BaseDN = 'dc=custom,dc=example,dc=com' # Example

BaseDN defines the base LDAP 'dn' search filter to apply to every LDAP query, replace example,com with the appropriate LDAP server's structure


UsersDN = 'ou=users' # Default

UsersDN defines the 'dn' query to use when querying for the 'users' 'ou' group


GroupsDN = 'ou=groups' # Default

GroupsDN defines the 'dn' query to use when querying for the 'groups' 'ou' group


ActiveAttribute = '' # Default

ActiveAttribute is an optional user field to check truthiness for if a user is valid/active. This is only required if the LDAP provider lists inactive users as members of groups


ActiveAttributeAllowedValue = '' # Default

ActiveAttributeAllowedValue is the value to check against for the above optional user attribute


AdminUserGroupCN = 'NodeAdmins' # Default

AdminUserGroupCN is the LDAP 'cn' of the LDAP group that maps the core node's 'Admin' role


EditUserGroupCN = 'NodeEditors' # Default

EditUserGroupCN is the LDAP 'cn' of the LDAP group that maps the core node's 'Edit' role


RunUserGroupCN = 'NodeRunners' # Default

RunUserGroupCN is the LDAP 'cn' of the LDAP group that maps the core node's 'Run' role


ReadUserGroupCN = 'NodeReadOnly' # Default

ReadUserGroupCN is the LDAP 'cn' of the LDAP group that maps the core node's 'Read' role


UserApiTokenEnabled = false # Default

UserApiTokenEnabled enables the users to issue API tokens with the same access of their role


UserAPITokenDuration = '240h0m0s' # Default

UserAPITokenDuration is the duration of time an API token is active for before expiring


UpstreamSyncInterval = '0s' # Default

UpstreamSyncInterval is the interval at which the background LDAP sync task will be called. A '0s' value disables the background sync being run on an interval. This check is already performed during login/logout actions, all sessions and API tokens stored in the local ldap tables are updated to match the remote server


UpstreamSyncRateLimit = '2m0s' # Default

UpstreamSyncRateLimit defines a duration to limit the number of query/API calls to the upstream LDAP provider. It prevents the sync functionality from being called multiple times within the defined duration


Authenticated = 1000 # Default
AuthenticatedPeriod = '1m' # Default
Unauthenticated = 5 # Default
UnauthenticatedPeriod = '20s' # Default


Authenticated = 1000 # Default

Authenticated defines the threshold to which authenticated requests get limited. More than this many authenticated requests per AuthenticatedRateLimitPeriod will be rejected.


AuthenticatedPeriod = '1m' # Default

AuthenticatedPeriod defines the period to which authenticated requests get limited.


Unauthenticated = 5 # Default

Unauthenticated defines the threshold to which authenticated requests get limited. More than this many unauthenticated requests per UnAuthenticatedRateLimitPeriod will be rejected.


UnauthenticatedPeriod = '20s' # Default

UnauthenticatedPeriod defines the period to which unauthenticated requests get limited.


RPID = 'localhost' # Example
RPOrigin = 'http://localhost:6688/' # Example

The Operator UI frontend supports enabling Multi Factor Authentication via Webauthn per account. When enabled, logging in will require the account password and a hardware or OS security key such as Yubikey. To enroll, log in to the operator UI and click the circle purple profile button at the top right and then click Register MFA Token. Tap your hardware security key or use the OS public key management feature to enroll a key. Next time you log in, this key will be required to authenticate.


RPID = 'localhost' # Example

RPID is the FQDN of where the Operator UI is served. When serving locally, the value should be localhost.


RPOrigin = 'http://localhost:6688/' # Example

RPOrigin is the origin URL where WebAuthn requests initiate, including scheme and port. When serving locally, the value should be http://localhost:6688/.


CertPath = '~/.cl/certs' # Example
Host = 'tls-host' # Example
KeyPath = '/home/$USER/.chainlink/tls/server.key' # Example
HTTPSPort = 6689 # Default
ForceRedirect = false # Default
ListenIP = '' # Default

The TLS settings apply only if you want to enable TLS security on your Chainlink node.


CertPath = '~/.cl/certs' # Example

CertPath is the location of the TLS certificate file.


Host = 'tls-host' # Example

Host is the hostname configured for TLS to be used by the Chainlink node. This is useful if you configured a domain name specific for your Chainlink node.


KeyPath = '/home/$USER/.chainlink/tls/server.key' # Example

KeyPath is the location of the TLS private key file.


HTTPSPort = 6689 # Default

HTTPSPort is the port used for HTTPS connections. Set this to 0 to disable HTTPS. Disabling HTTPS also relieves Chainlink nodes of the requirement for a TLS certificate.


ForceRedirect = false # Default

ForceRedirect forces TLS redirect for unencrypted connections.


ListenIP = '' # Default

ListenIP specifies the IP to bind the HTTPS server to


ExternalInitiatorsEnabled = false # Default
MaxRunDuration = '10m' # Default
MaxSuccessfulRuns = 10000 # Default
ReaperInterval = '1h' # Default
ReaperThreshold = '24h' # Default
ResultWriteQueueDepth = 100 # Default
VerboseLogging = true # Default


ExternalInitiatorsEnabled = false # Default

ExternalInitiatorsEnabled enables the External Initiator feature. If disabled, webhook jobs can ONLY be initiated by a logged-in user. If enabled, webhook jobs can be initiated by a whitelisted external initiator.


MaxRunDuration = '10m' # Default

MaxRunDuration is the maximum time allowed for a single job run. If it takes longer, it will exit early and be marked errored. If set to zero, disables the time limit completely.


MaxSuccessfulRuns = 10000 # Default

MaxSuccessfulRuns caps the number of completed successful runs per pipeline spec in the database. You can set it to zero as a performance optimisation; this will avoid saving any successful run.

Note this is not a hard cap, it can drift slightly larger than this but not by more than 5% or so.


ReaperInterval = '1h' # Default

ReaperInterval controls how often the job pipeline reaper will run to delete completed jobs older than ReaperThreshold, in order to keep database size manageable.

Set to 0 to disable the periodic reaper.


ReaperThreshold = '24h' # Default

ReaperThreshold determines the age limit for job runs. Completed job runs older than this will be automatically purged from the database.


ResultWriteQueueDepth = 100 # Default

ResultWriteQueueDepth controls how many writes will be buffered before subsequent writes are dropped, for jobs that write results asynchronously for performance reasons, such as OCR.


VerboseLogging = true # Default

VerboseLogging enables detailed logging of pipeline execution steps. This can be useful for debugging failed runs without relying on the UI or database.

You may disable if this results in excessive log volume.


DefaultTimeout = '15s' # Default
MaxSize = '32768' # Default


DefaultTimeout = '15s' # Default

DefaultTimeout defines the default timeout for HTTP requests made by http and bridge adapters.


MaxSize = '32768' # Default

MaxSize defines the maximum size for HTTP requests and responses made by http and bridge adapters.


DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 1 # Default
SimulateTransactions = false # Default


DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 1 # Default

DefaultTransactionQueueDepth controls the queue size for DropOldestStrategy in Flux Monitor. Set to 0 to use SendEvery strategy instead.


SimulateTransactions = false # Default

SimulateTransactions enables transaction simulation for Flux Monitor.


Enabled = false # Default
ContractConfirmations = 3 # Default
BlockchainTimeout = '20s' # Default
ContractPollInterval = '1m' # Default
ContractSubscribeInterval = '2m' # Default
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s' # Default
DatabaseTimeout = '10s' # Default
KeyBundleID = '7a5f66bbe6594259325bf2b4f5b1a9c900000000000000000000000000000000' # Example
CaptureEATelemetry = false # Default
CaptureAutomationCustomTelemetry = true # Default
DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 1 # Default
SimulateTransactions = false # Default
TraceLogging = false # Default


Enabled = false # Default

Enabled enables OCR2 jobs.


ContractConfirmations = 3 # Default

ContractConfirmations is the number of block confirmations to wait for before enacting an on-chain configuration change. This value doesn't need to be very high (in particular, it does not need to protect against malicious re-orgs). Since configuration changes create some overhead, and mini-reorgs are fairly common, recommended values are between two and ten.

Malicious re-orgs are not any more of concern here than they are in blockchain applications in general: Since nodes check the contract for the latest config every ContractConfigTrackerPollInterval.Seconds(), they will come to a common view of the current config within any interval longer than that, as long as the latest setConfig transaction in the longest chain is stable. They will thus be able to continue reporting after the poll interval, unless an adversary is able to repeatedly re-org the transaction out during every poll interval, which would amount to the capability to censor any transaction.

Note that 1 confirmation implies that the transaction/event has been mined in one block. 0 confirmations would imply that the event would be recognised before it has even been mined, which is not currently supported. e.g. Current block height: 42 Changed in block height: 43 Contract config confirmations: 1 STILL PENDING

Current block height: 43 Changed in block height: 43 Contract config confirmations: 1 CONFIRMED


BlockchainTimeout = '20s' # Default

BlockchainTimeout is the timeout for blockchain queries (mediated through ContractConfigTracker and ContractTransmitter). (This is necessary because an oracle's operations are serialized, so blocking forever on a chain interaction would break the oracle.)


ContractPollInterval = '1m' # Default

ContractPollInterval is the polling interval at which ContractConfigTracker is queried for# updated on-chain configurations. Recommended values are between fifteen seconds and two minutes.


ContractSubscribeInterval = '2m' # Default

ContractSubscribeInterval is the interval at which we try to establish a subscription on ContractConfigTracker if one doesn't exist. Recommended values are between two and five minutes.


ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s' # Default

ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout is the timeout for ContractTransmitter.Transmit calls.


DatabaseTimeout = '10s' # Default

DatabaseTimeout is the timeout for database interactions. (This is necessary because an oracle's operations are serialized, so blocking forever on an observation would break the oracle.)


KeyBundleID = '7a5f66bbe6594259325bf2b4f5b1a9c900000000000000000000000000000000' # Example

KeyBundleID is a sha256 hexadecimal hash identifier.


CaptureEATelemetry = false # Default

CaptureEATelemetry toggles collecting extra information from External Adapters


CaptureAutomationCustomTelemetry = true # Default

CaptureAutomationCustomTelemetry toggles collecting automation specific telemetry


DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 1 # Default

DefaultTransactionQueueDepth controls the queue size for DropOldestStrategy in OCR2. Set to 0 to use SendEvery strategy instead.


SimulateTransactions = false # Default

SimulateTransactions enables transaction simulation for OCR2.


TraceLogging = false # Default

TraceLogging enables trace level logging.


Enabled = false # Default
ObservationTimeout = '5s' # Default
BlockchainTimeout = '20s' # Default
ContractPollInterval = '1m' # Default
ContractSubscribeInterval = '2m' # Default
DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 1 # Default
KeyBundleID = 'acdd42797a8b921b2910497badc5000600000000000000000000000000000000' # Example
SimulateTransactions = false # Default
TransmitterAddress = '0xa0788FC17B1dEe36f057c42B6F373A34B014687e' # Example
CaptureEATelemetry = false # Default
TraceLogging = false # Default

This section applies only if you are running off-chain reporting jobs.


Enabled = false # Default

Enabled enables OCR jobs.


ObservationTimeout = '5s' # Default

ObservationTimeout is the timeout for making observations using the DataSource.Observe method. (This is necessary because an oracle's operations are serialized, so blocking forever on an observation would break the oracle.)


BlockchainTimeout = '20s' # Default

BlockchainTimeout is the timeout for blockchain queries (mediated through ContractConfigTracker and ContractTransmitter). (This is necessary because an oracle's operations are serialized, so blocking forever on a chain interaction would break the oracle.)


ContractPollInterval = '1m' # Default

ContractPollInterval is the polling interval at which ContractConfigTracker is queried for updated on-chain configurations. Recommended values are between fifteen seconds and two minutes.


ContractSubscribeInterval = '2m' # Default

ContractSubscribeInterval is the interval at which we try to establish a subscription on ContractConfigTracker if one doesn't exist. Recommended values are between two and five minutes.


DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 1 # Default

DefaultTransactionQueueDepth controls the queue size for DropOldestStrategy in OCR. Set to 0 to use SendEvery strategy instead.


KeyBundleID = 'acdd42797a8b921b2910497badc5000600000000000000000000000000000000' # Example

KeyBundleID is the default key bundle ID to use for OCR jobs. If you have an OCR job that does not explicitly specify a key bundle ID, it will fall back to this value.


SimulateTransactions = false # Default

SimulateTransactions enables transaction simulation for OCR.


TransmitterAddress = '0xa0788FC17B1dEe36f057c42B6F373A34B014687e' # Example

TransmitterAddress is the default sending address to use for OCR. If you have an OCR job that does not explicitly specify a transmitter address, it will fall back to this value.


CaptureEATelemetry = false # Default

CaptureEATelemetry toggles collecting extra information from External Adapters


TraceLogging = false # Default

TraceLogging enables trace level logging.


IncomingMessageBufferSize = 10 # Default
OutgoingMessageBufferSize = 10 # Default
PeerID = '12D3KooWMoejJznyDuEk5aX6GvbjaG12UzeornPCBNzMRqdwrFJw' # Example
TraceLogging = false # Default

P2P has a versioned networking stack. Currently only [P2P.V2] is supported. All nodes in the OCR network should share the same networking stack.


IncomingMessageBufferSize = 10 # Default

IncomingMessageBufferSize is the per-remote number of incoming messages to buffer. Any additional messages received on top of those already in the queue will be dropped.


OutgoingMessageBufferSize = 10 # Default

OutgoingMessageBufferSize is the per-remote number of outgoing messages to buffer. Any additional messages send on top of those already in the queue will displace the oldest. NOTE: OutgoingMessageBufferSize should be comfortably smaller than remote's IncomingMessageBufferSize to give the remote enough space to process them all in case we regained connection and now send a bunch at once


PeerID = '12D3KooWMoejJznyDuEk5aX6GvbjaG12UzeornPCBNzMRqdwrFJw' # Example

PeerID is the default peer ID to use for OCR jobs. If unspecified, uses the first available peer ID.


TraceLogging = false # Default

TraceLogging enables trace level logging.


Enabled = true # Default
AnnounceAddresses = ['', '[a52d:0:a88:1274::abcd]:1337'] # Example
DefaultBootstrappers = ['[email protected]:9999', '[email protected]:1234'] # Example
DeltaDial = '15s' # Default
DeltaReconcile = '1m' # Default
ListenAddresses = ['', '[a52d:0:a88:1274::abcd]:1337'] # Example


Enabled = true # Default

Enabled enables P2P V2. Note: V1.Enabled is true by default, so it must be set false in order to run V2 only.


AnnounceAddresses = ['', '[a52d:0:a88:1274::abcd]:1337'] # Example

AnnounceAddresses is the addresses the peer will advertise on the network in host:port form as accepted by the TCP version of Go’s net.Dial. The addresses should be reachable by other nodes on the network. When attempting to connect to another node, a node will attempt to dial all of the other node’s AnnounceAddresses in round-robin fashion.


DefaultBootstrappers = ['[email protected]:9999', '[email protected]:1234'] # Example

DefaultBootstrappers is the default bootstrapper peers for libocr's v2 networking stack.

Oracle nodes typically only know each other’s PeerIDs, but not their hostnames, IP addresses, or ports. DefaultBootstrappers are special nodes that help other nodes discover each other’s AnnounceAddresses so they can communicate. Nodes continuously attempt to connect to bootstrappers configured in here. When a node wants to connect to another node (which it knows only by PeerID, but not by address), it discovers the other node’s AnnounceAddresses from communications received from its DefaultBootstrappers or other discovered nodes. To facilitate discovery, nodes will regularly broadcast signed announcements containing their PeerID and AnnounceAddresses.


DeltaDial = '15s' # Default

DeltaDial controls how far apart Dial attempts are


DeltaReconcile = '1m' # Default

DeltaReconcile controls how often a Reconcile message is sent to every peer.


ListenAddresses = ['', '[a52d:0:a88:1274::abcd]:1337'] # Example

ListenAddresses is the addresses the peer will listen to on the network in host:port form as accepted by net.Listen(), but the host and port must be fully specified and cannot be empty. You can specify (IPv4) or :: (IPv6) to listen on all interfaces, but that is not recommended.


GlobalRPS = 200 # Default
GlobalBurst = 200 # Default
PerSenderRPS = 100 # Default
PerSenderBurst = 100 # Default


GlobalRPS = 200 # Default

GlobalRPS is the global rate limit for the dispatcher.


GlobalBurst = 200 # Default

GlobalBurst is the global burst limit for the dispatcher.


PerSenderRPS = 100 # Default

PerSenderRPS is the per-sender rate limit for the dispatcher.


PerSenderBurst = 100 # Default

PerSenderBurst is the per-sender burst limit for the dispatcher.


Address = '0x0' # Example
NetworkID = 'evm' # Default
ChainID = '1' # Default
MaxBinarySize = '20.00mb' # Default
MaxEncryptedSecretsSize = '26.40kb' # Default
MaxConfigSize = '50.00kb' # Default


Address = '0x0' # Example

Address is the address for the workflow registry contract.


NetworkID = 'evm' # Default

NetworkID identifies the target network where the remote registry is located.


ChainID = '1' # Default

ChainID identifies the target chain id where the remote registry is located.


MaxBinarySize = '20.00mb' # Default

MaxBinarySize is the maximum size of a binary that can be fetched from the registry.


MaxEncryptedSecretsSize = '26.40kb' # Default

MaxEncryptedSecretsSize is the maximum size of encrypted secrets that can be fetched from the given secrets url.


MaxConfigSize = '50.00kb' # Default

MaxConfigSize is the maximum size of a config that can be fetched from the given config url.


Address = '0x0' # Example
NetworkID = 'evm' # Default
ChainID = '1' # Default


Address = '0x0' # Example

Address is the address for the capabilities registry contract.


NetworkID = 'evm' # Default

NetworkID identifies the target network where the remote registry is located.


ChainID = '1' # Default

ChainID identifies the target chain id where the remote registry is located.


SupportedVersion = 1 # Default
ReceiverBufferSize = 10000 # Default


SupportedVersion = 1 # Default

SupportedVersion is the version of the version of message schema.


ReceiverBufferSize = 10000 # Default

ReceiverBufferSize is the size of the buffer for incoming messages.


GlobalRPS = 800 # Default
GlobalBurst = 1000 # Default
PerSenderRPS = 10 # Default
PerSenderBurst = 50 # Default


GlobalRPS = 800 # Default

GlobalRPS is the global rate limit for the dispatcher.


GlobalBurst = 1000 # Default

GlobalBurst is the global burst limit for the dispatcher.


PerSenderRPS = 10 # Default

PerSenderRPS is the per-sender rate limit for the dispatcher.


PerSenderBurst = 50 # Default

PerSenderBurst is the per-sender burst limit for the dispatcher.


IncomingMessageBufferSize = 10 # Default
OutgoingMessageBufferSize = 10 # Default
PeerID = '12D3KooWMoejJznyDuEk5aX6GvbjaG12UzeornPCBNzMRqdwrFJw' # Example
TraceLogging = false # Default


IncomingMessageBufferSize = 10 # Default

IncomingMessageBufferSize is the per-remote number of incoming messages to buffer. Any additional messages received on top of those already in the queue will be dropped.


OutgoingMessageBufferSize = 10 # Default

OutgoingMessageBufferSize is the per-remote number of outgoing messages to buffer. Any additional messages send on top of those already in the queue will displace the oldest. NOTE: OutgoingMessageBufferSize should be comfortably smaller than remote's IncomingMessageBufferSize to give the remote enough space to process them all in case we regained connection and now send a bunch at once


PeerID = '12D3KooWMoejJznyDuEk5aX6GvbjaG12UzeornPCBNzMRqdwrFJw' # Example

PeerID is the default peer ID to use for OCR jobs. If unspecified, uses the first available peer ID.


TraceLogging = false # Default

TraceLogging enables trace level logging.


Enabled = false # Default
AnnounceAddresses = ['', '[a52d:0:a88:1274::abcd]:1337'] # Example
DefaultBootstrappers = ['[email protected]:9999', '[email protected]:1234'] # Example
DeltaDial = '15s' # Default
DeltaReconcile = '1m' # Default
ListenAddresses = ['', '[a52d:0:a88:1274::abcd]:1337'] # Example


Enabled = false # Default

Enabled enables P2P V2.


AnnounceAddresses = ['', '[a52d:0:a88:1274::abcd]:1337'] # Example

AnnounceAddresses is the addresses the peer will advertise on the network in host:port form as accepted by the TCP version of Go’s net.Dial. The addresses should be reachable by other nodes on the network. When attempting to connect to another node, a node will attempt to dial all of the other node’s AnnounceAddresses in round-robin fashion.


DefaultBootstrappers = ['[email protected]:9999', '[email protected]:1234'] # Example

DefaultBootstrappers is the default bootstrapper peers for libocr's v2 networking stack.

Oracle nodes typically only know each other’s PeerIDs, but not their hostnames, IP addresses, or ports. DefaultBootstrappers are special nodes that help other nodes discover each other’s AnnounceAddresses so they can communicate. Nodes continuously attempt to connect to bootstrappers configured in here. When a node wants to connect to another node (which it knows only by PeerID, but not by address), it discovers the other node’s AnnounceAddresses from communications received from its DefaultBootstrappers or other discovered nodes. To facilitate discovery, nodes will regularly broadcast signed announcements containing their PeerID and AnnounceAddresses.


DeltaDial = '15s' # Default

DeltaDial controls how far apart Dial attempts are


DeltaReconcile = '1m' # Default

DeltaReconcile controls how often a Reconcile message is sent to every peer.


ListenAddresses = ['', '[a52d:0:a88:1274::abcd]:1337'] # Example

ListenAddresses is the addresses the peer will listen to on the network in host:port form as accepted by net.Listen(), but the host and port must be fully specified and cannot be empty. You can specify (IPv4) or :: (IPv6) to listen on all interfaces, but that is not recommended.


ChainIDForNodeKey = '11155111' # Example
NodeAddress = '0x68902d681c28119f9b2531473a417088bf008e59' # Example
DonID = 'example_don' # Example
WSHandshakeTimeoutMillis = 1000 # Example
AuthMinChallengeLen = 10 # Example
AuthTimestampToleranceSec = 10 # Example


ChainIDForNodeKey = '11155111' # Example

ChainIDForNodeKey is the ChainID of the network associated with a private key to be used for authentication with Gateway nodes


NodeAddress = '0x68902d681c28119f9b2531473a417088bf008e59' # Example

NodeAddress is the address of the desired private key to be used for authentication with Gateway nodes


DonID = 'example_don' # Example

DonID is the Id of the Don


WSHandshakeTimeoutMillis = 1000 # Example

WSHandshakeTimeoutMillis is Websocket handshake timeout


AuthMinChallengeLen = 10 # Example

AuthMinChallengeLen is the minimum number of bytes in authentication challenge payload


AuthTimestampToleranceSec = 10 # Example

AuthTimestampToleranceSec is Authentication timestamp tolerance


ID = 'example_gateway' # Example
URL = 'wss://localhost:8081/node' # Example


ID = 'example_gateway' # Example

ID of the Gateway


URL = 'wss://localhost:8081/node' # Example

URL of the Gateway


DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 1 # Default
GasPriceBufferPercent = 20 # Default
GasTipCapBufferPercent = 20 # Default
BaseFeeBufferPercent = 20 # Default
MaxGracePeriod = 100 # Default
TurnLookBack = 1_000 # Default


DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 1 # Default

DefaultTransactionQueueDepth controls the queue size for DropOldestStrategy in Keeper. Set to 0 to use SendEvery strategy instead.


GasPriceBufferPercent = 20 # Default

GasPriceBufferPercent specifies the percentage to add to the gas price used for checking whether to perform an upkeep. Only applies in legacy mode (EIP-1559 off).


GasTipCapBufferPercent = 20 # Default

GasTipCapBufferPercent specifies the percentage to add to the gas price used for checking whether to perform an upkeep. Only applies in EIP-1559 mode.


BaseFeeBufferPercent = 20 # Default

BaseFeeBufferPercent specifies the percentage to add to the base fee used for checking whether to perform an upkeep. Applies only in EIP-1559 mode.


MaxGracePeriod = 100 # Default

MaxGracePeriod is the maximum number of blocks that a keeper will wait after performing an upkeep before it resumes checking that upkeep


TurnLookBack = 1_000 # Default

TurnLookBack is the number of blocks in the past to look back when getting a block for a turn.


CheckGasOverhead = 200_000 # Default
PerformGasOverhead = 300_000 # Default
SyncInterval = '30m' # Default
MaxPerformDataSize = 5_000 # Default
SyncUpkeepQueueSize = 10 # Default


CheckGasOverhead = 200_000 # Default

CheckGasOverhead is the amount of extra gas to provide checkUpkeep() calls to account for the gas consumed by the keeper registry.


PerformGasOverhead = 300_000 # Default

PerformGasOverhead is the amount of extra gas to provide performUpkeep() calls to account for the gas consumed by the keeper registry


SyncInterval = '30m' # Default

SyncInterval is the interval in which the RegistrySynchronizer performs a full sync of the keeper registry contract it is tracking.


MaxPerformDataSize = 5_000 # Default

MaxPerformDataSize is the max size of perform data.


SyncUpkeepQueueSize = 10 # Default

SyncUpkeepQueueSize represents the maximum number of upkeeps that can be synced in parallel.


Enabled = false # Default
ProfileRoot = 'prof/root' # Example
PollInterval = '10s' # Default
GatherDuration = '10s' # Default
GatherTraceDuration = '5s' # Default
MaxProfileSize = '100mb' # Default
CPUProfileRate = 1 # Default
MemProfileRate = 1 # Default
BlockProfileRate = 1 # Default
MutexProfileFraction = 1 # Default
MemThreshold = '4gb' # Default
GoroutineThreshold = 5000 # Default

The Chainlink node is equipped with an internal "nurse" service that can perform automatic pprof profiling when the certain resource thresholds are exceeded, such as memory and goroutine count. These profiles are saved to disk to facilitate fine-grained debugging of performance-related issues. In general, if you notice that your node has begun to accumulate profiles, forward them to the Chainlink team.

To learn more about these profiles, read the Profiling Go programs with pprof guide.


Enabled = false # Default

Enabled enables the automatic profiling service.


ProfileRoot = 'prof/root' # Example

ProfileRoot sets the location on disk where pprof profiles will be stored. Defaults to RootDir.


PollInterval = '10s' # Default

PollInterval is the interval at which the node's resources are checked.


GatherDuration = '10s' # Default

GatherDuration is the duration for which profiles are gathered when profiling starts.


GatherTraceDuration = '5s' # Default

GatherTraceDuration is the duration for which traces are gathered when profiling is kicked off. This is separately configurable because traces are significantly larger than other types of profiles.


MaxProfileSize = '100mb' # Default

MaxProfileSize is the maximum amount of disk space that profiles may consume before profiling is disabled.


CPUProfileRate = 1 # Default

CPUProfileRate sets the rate for CPU profiling. See


MemProfileRate = 1 # Default

MemProfileRate sets the rate for memory profiling. See


BlockProfileRate = 1 # Default

BlockProfileRate sets the fraction of blocking events for goroutine profiling. See


MutexProfileFraction = 1 # Default

MutexProfileFraction sets the fraction of contention events for mutex profiling. See


MemThreshold = '4gb' # Default

MemThreshold sets the maximum amount of memory the node can actively consume before profiling begins.


GoroutineThreshold = 5000 # Default

GoroutineThreshold is the maximum number of actively-running goroutines the node can spawn before profiling begins.


ServerAddress = 'http://localhost:4040' # Example
Environment = 'mainnet' # Default


ServerAddress = 'http://localhost:4040' # Example

ServerAddress sets the address that will receive the profile logs. It enables the profiling service.


Environment = 'mainnet' # Default

Environment sets the target environment tag in which profiles will be added to.


Debug = false # Default
DSN = 'sentry-dsn' # Example
Environment = 'my-custom-env' # Example
Release = 'v1.2.3' # Example


Debug = false # Default

Debug enables printing of Sentry SDK debug messages.


DSN = 'sentry-dsn' # Example

DSN is the data source name where events will be sent. Sentry is completely disabled if this is left blank.


Environment = 'my-custom-env' # Example

Environment overrides the Sentry environment to the given value. Otherwise autodetects between dev/prod.


Release = 'v1.2.3' # Example

Release overrides the Sentry release to the given value. Otherwise uses the compiled-in version number.


DevWebServer = false # Default
OCRDevelopmentMode = false # Default
InfiniteDepthQueries = false # Default
DisableRateLimiting = false # Default

Insecure config family is only allowed in development builds.


DevWebServer = false # Default

DevWebServer skips secure configuration for webserver AllowedHosts, SSL, etc.


OCRDevelopmentMode = false # Default

OCRDevelopmentMode run OCR in development mode.


InfiniteDepthQueries = false # Default

InfiniteDepthQueries skips graphql query depth limit checks.


DisableRateLimiting = false # Default

DisableRateLimiting skips ratelimiting on asset requests.


Enabled = false # Default
CollectorTarget = 'localhost:4317' # Example
NodeID = 'NodeID' # Example
SamplingRatio = 1.0 # Example
Mode = 'tls' # Default
TLSCertPath = '/path/to/cert.pem' # Example


Enabled = false # Default

Enabled turns trace collection on or off. On requires an OTEL Tracing Collector.


CollectorTarget = 'localhost:4317' # Example

CollectorTarget is the logical address of the OTEL Tracing Collector.


NodeID = 'NodeID' # Example

NodeID is an unique name for this node relative to any other node traces are collected for.


SamplingRatio = 1.0 # Example

SamplingRatio is the ratio of traces to sample for this node.


Mode = 'tls' # Default

Mode is a string value. tls or unencrypted are the only values allowed. If set to unencrypted, TLSCertPath can be unset, meaning traces will be sent over plaintext to the collector.


TLSCertPath = '/path/to/cert.pem' # Example

TLSCertPath is the file path to the TLS certificate used for secure communication with an OTEL Tracing Collector.


env = 'test' # Example

Tracing.Attributes are user specified key-value pairs to associate in the context of the traces


env = 'test' # Example

env is an example user specified key-value pair


VerboseLogging = false # Default


VerboseLogging = false # Default

VerboseLogging enables detailed logging of mercury/LLO operations. These logs can be expensive since they may serialize large structs, so they are disabled by default.


LatestReportTTL = "1s" # Default
MaxStaleAge = "1h" # Default
LatestReportDeadline = "5s" # Default

Mercury.Cache controls settings for the price retrieval cache querying a mercury server


LatestReportTTL = "1s" # Default

LatestReportTTL controls how "stale" we will allow a price to be e.g. if set to 1s, a new price will always be fetched if the last result was from 1 second ago or older.

Another way of looking at it is such: the cache will never return a price that was queried from now-LatestReportTTL or before.

Setting to zero disables caching entirely.


MaxStaleAge = "1h" # Default

MaxStaleAge is that maximum amount of time that a value can be stale before it is deleted from the cache (a form of garbage collection).

This should generally be set to something much larger than LatestReportTTL. Setting to zero disables garbage collection.


LatestReportDeadline = "5s" # Default

LatestReportDeadline controls how long to wait for a response from the mercury server before retrying. Setting this to zero will wait indefinitely.


CertFile = "/path/to/client/certs.pem" # Example

Mercury.TLS controls client settings for when the node talks to traditional web servers or load balancers.


CertFile = "/path/to/client/certs.pem" # Example

CertFile is the path to a PEM file of trusted root certificate authority certificates


Protocol = "wsrpc" # Default
TransmitQueueMaxSize = 100_000 # Default
TransmitTimeout = "5s" # Default
TransmitConcurrency = 100 # Default

Mercury.Transmitter controls settings for the mercury transmitter


Protocol = "wsrpc" # Default

Protocol is the protocol to use for the transmitter.

Options are either:

  • "wsrpc" for the legacy websocket protocol
  • "grpc" for the gRPC protocol


TransmitQueueMaxSize = 100_000 # Default

TransmitQueueMaxSize controls the size of the transmit queue. This is scoped per OCR instance. If the queue is full, the transmitter will start dropping the oldest messages in order to make space.

This is useful if mercury server goes offline and the nop needs to buffer transmissions.


TransmitTimeout = "5s" # Default

TransmitTimeout controls how long the transmitter will wait for a response when sending a message to the mercury server, before aborting and considering the transmission to be failed.


TransmitConcurrency = 100 # Default

TransmitConcurrency is the max number of concurrent transmits to each server.

Only has effect with LLO jobs.


Enabled = false # Default
Endpoint = '' # Example
CACertFile = 'cert-file' # Example
InsecureConnection = false # Default
TraceSampleRatio = 0.01 # Default
EmitterBatchProcessor = true # Default
EmitterExportTimeout = '1s' # Default

Telemetry holds OTEL settings. This data includes open telemetry metrics, traces, & logs. It does not currently include prometheus metrics or standard out logs, but may in the future.


Enabled = false # Default

Enabled turns telemetry collection on or off.


Endpoint = '' # Example

Endpoint of the OTEL Collector.


CACertFile = 'cert-file' # Example

CACertFile is the file path of the TLS certificate used for secure communication with the OTEL Collector. Required unless InsecureConnection is true.


InsecureConnection = false # Default

InsecureConnection bypasses the TLS CACertFile requirement and uses an insecure connection instead. Only available in dev mode.


TraceSampleRatio = 0.01 # Default

TraceSampleRatio is the rate at which to sample traces. Must be between 0 and 1.


EmitterBatchProcessor = true # Default

EmitterBatchProcessor enables batching for telemetry events


EmitterExportTimeout = '1s' # Default

EmitterExportTimeout sets timeout for exporting telemetry events


foo = "bar" # Example

ResourceAttributes are global metadata to include with all telemetry.


foo = "bar" # Example

foo is an example resource attribute


EVM defaults depend on ChainID:

Ethereum Mainnet (1)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x514910771AF9Ca656af840dff83E8264EcF986CA'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.1 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
OperatorFactoryAddress = '0x3E64Cd889482443324F91bFA9c84fE72A511f48A'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '9m0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 4
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 50

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 10500000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Ethereum Ropsten (3)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x20fE562d797A42Dcb3399062AE9546cd06f63280'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.1 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 4
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 50

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Ethereum Rinkeby (4)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x01BE23585060835E02B77ef475b0Cc51aA1e0709'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.1 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 4
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 50

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Ethereum Goerli (5)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x326C977E6efc84E512bB9C30f76E30c160eD06FB'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.1 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 4
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 50

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Optimism Mainnet (10)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'optimismBedrock'
FinalityDepth = 200
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x350a791Bfc2C21F9Ed5d10980Dad2e2638ffa7f6'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '2s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '40s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '13m0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '30s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 wei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '100 wei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 24
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

OracleType = 'opstack'
OracleAddress = '0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F'

HistoryDepth = 300
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 1
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 6500000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

RSK Mainnet (30)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x14AdaE34beF7ca957Ce2dDe5ADD97ea050123827'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '30s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '50 mwei'
PriceMax = '50 gwei'
PriceMin = '0'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 mwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

RSK Testnet (31)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x8bBbd80981FE76d44854D8DF305e8985c19f0e78'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '30s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '50 mwei'
PriceMax = '50 gwei'
PriceMin = '0'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 mwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Ethereum Kovan (42)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0xa36085F69e2889c224210F603D836748e7dC0088'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.1 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
OperatorFactoryAddress = '0x8007e24251b1D2Fc518Eb843A701d9cD21fe0aA3'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 4
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 50

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

BSC Mainnet (56)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x404460C6A5EdE2D891e8297795264fDe62ADBB75'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '3s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '30s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 2
FinalizedBlockOffset = 2
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '45s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '1 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 5
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 24
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '2s'
DatabaseTimeout = '2s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '500ms'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

OKX Testnet (65)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

OKX Mainnet (66)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Astar Shibuya (81)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 100
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0xe74037112db8807B3B4B3895F5790e5bc1866a29'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '6s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '100 micro'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

BSC Testnet (97)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x84b9B910527Ad5C03A9Ca831909E21e236EA7b06'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '3s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '30s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 2
FinalizedBlockOffset = 2
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '40s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '1 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 5
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 24
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = false
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '2s'
DatabaseTimeout = '2s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '500ms'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Gnosis Mainnet (100)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'gnosis'
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0xE2e73A1c69ecF83F464EFCE6A5be353a37cA09b2'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '5s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 2
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '2m0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '1 gwei'
PriceMax = '500 gwei'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Shibarium Mainnet (109)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x71052BAe71C25C78E37fD12E5ff1101A71d9018F'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '1s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 5
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '30s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 100
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 10
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '10 gwei'
PriceMax = '10 micro'
PriceMin = '2 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 5
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '10 micro'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 300
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 2
PollInterval = '3s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Heco Mainnet (128)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x404460C6A5EdE2D891e8297795264fDe62ADBB75'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '3s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '30s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 2
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '5 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 5
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 24
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '2s'
DatabaseTimeout = '2s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '500ms'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Hashkey Testnet (133)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'optimismBedrock'
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x8418c4d7e8e17ab90232DC72150730E6c4b84F57'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '1 micro'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '1 micro'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

OracleType = 'opstack'
OracleAddress = '0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 2
PollInterval = '8s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Polygon Mainnet (137)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 500
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0xb0897686c545045aFc77CF20eC7A532E3120E0F1'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '1s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 5
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '30s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 100
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 10
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '6m0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 5000
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '30 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '30 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '20 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 5
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 24
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 2000
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Sonic Mainnet (146)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 10
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x71052BAe71C25C78E37fD12E5ff1101A71d9018F'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '1s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 5
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 100
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 10
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 500
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'FeeHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 10
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 100
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '2s'

HistoryDepth = 50
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Shibarium Testnet (157)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x44637eEfD71A090990f89faEC7022fc74B2969aD'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '1s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 5
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '30s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 100
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 10
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '10 gwei'
PriceMax = '10 micro'
PriceMin = '2 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 5
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '10 micro'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 300
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 2
PollInterval = '3s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Hashkey Mainnet (177)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'optimismBedrock'
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x71052BAe71C25C78E37fD12E5ff1101A71d9018F'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '1 micro'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '1 micro'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

OracleType = 'opstack'
OracleAddress = '0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 2
PollInterval = '8s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

XLayer Sepolia (195)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'xlayer'
FinalityDepth = 500
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x724593f6FCb0De4E6902d4C55D7C74DaA2AF0E55'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '30s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '12m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 100
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 15
FinalizedBlockOffset = 2
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '3m0s'

Enabled = true
MinAttempts = 3

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 mwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '20 mwei'
BumpPercent = 40
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 12
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 2000
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 1
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

XLayer Mainnet (196)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'xlayer'
FinalityDepth = 500
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x8aF9711B44695a5A081F25AB9903DDB73aCf8FA9'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '30s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '6m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 100
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 15
FinalizedBlockOffset = 2
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '3m0s'

Enabled = true
MinAttempts = 3

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '100 mwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '100 mwei'
BumpPercent = 40
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 12
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 2000
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 1
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Bsquared Mainnet (223)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'optimismBedrock'
FinalityDepth = 2000
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x709229D9587886a1eDFeE6b5cE636E1D70d1cE39'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '3s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '1h10m0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'FeeHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 100
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '4s'

OracleType = 'opstack'
OracleAddress = '0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Fantom Mainnet (250)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 50
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x6F43FF82CCA38001B6699a8AC47A2d0E66939407'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '1s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '30s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 2
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'SuggestedPrice'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 3800000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Kroma Mainnet (255)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'kroma'
FinalityDepth = 400
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0xC1F6f7622ad37C3f46cDF6F8AA0344ADE80BF450'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '2s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '40s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 2
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '30s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 wei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '100 wei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 24
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

OracleType = 'opstack'
OracleAddress = '0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000005'

HistoryDepth = 400
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 1
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

ZKsync Goerli (280)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'zksync'
FinalityDepth = 10
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0xD29F4Cc763A064b6C563B8816f09351b3Fbb61A0'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '5s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '1m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '18.446744073709551615 ether'
PriceMin = '0'
LimitDefault = 100000000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

OracleType = 'zksync'

HistoryDepth = 50
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Hedera Mainnet (295)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'hedera'
FinalityDepth = 10
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x7Ce6bb2Cc2D3Fd45a974Da6a0F29236cb9513a98'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '10s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 2
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '2m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'SuggestedPrice'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = true
BumpMin = '10 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 0
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Hedera Testnet (296)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'hedera'
FinalityDepth = 10
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x90a386d59b9A6a4795a011e8f032Fc21ED6FEFb6'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '10s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 2
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '2m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'SuggestedPrice'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = true
BumpMin = '10 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 0
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

ZKsync Sepolia (300)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'zksync'
FinalityDepth = 10
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x23A1aFD896c8c8876AF46aDc38521f4432658d1e'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '5s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '1m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 2
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '18.446744073709551615 ether'
PriceMin = '0'
LimitDefault = 100000000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

OracleType = 'zksync'

HistoryDepth = 50
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 6000000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

ZKsync Mainnet (324)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'zksync'
FinalityDepth = 10
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x52869bae3E091e36b0915941577F2D47d8d8B534'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '5s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '1m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 2
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '18.446744073709551615 ether'
PriceMin = '0'
LimitDefault = 100000000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

OracleType = 'zksync'

HistoryDepth = 50
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 6000000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Optimism Goerli (420)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'optimismBedrock'
FinalityDepth = 200
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0xdc2CC710e42857672E7907CF474a69B63B93089f'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '2s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '40s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '30s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 wei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '100 wei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 60
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

OracleType = 'opstack'
OracleAddress = '0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F'

HistoryDepth = 300
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 1
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 6500000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Worldchain Mainnet (480)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'optimismBedrock'
FinalityDepth = 2500
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x915b648e994d5f31059B38223b9fbe98ae185473'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '3s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '1h30m0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'FeeHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 100
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '4s'

OracleType = 'opstack'
OracleAddress = '0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Metis Rinkeby (588)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'metis'
FinalityDepth = 10
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'SuggestedPrice'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '0'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 0
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 1
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Astar Mainnet (592)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'astar'
FinalityDepth = 100
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x31EFB841d5e0b4082F7E1267dab8De1b853f2A9d'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '6s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '100 micro'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Mode Sepolia (919)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'optimismBedrock'
FinalityDepth = 200
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x925a4bfE64AE2bFAC8a02b35F78e60C29743755d'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '120 gwei'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '100 wei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 60
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '120 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

OracleType = 'opstack'
OracleAddress = '0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F'

HistoryDepth = 300
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 2
PollInterval = '3s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Klaytn Testnet (1001)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 10
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '30s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'SuggestedPrice'
PriceDefault = '750 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 5
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 1
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Metis Mainnet (1088)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'optimismBedrock'
FinalityDepth = 10
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0xd2FE54D1E5F568eB710ba9d898Bf4bD02C7c0353'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '15s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'SuggestedPrice'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '0'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 0
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 10
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 1
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Polygon Zkevm Mainnet (1101)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'zkevm'
FinalityDepth = 500
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0xdB7A504CF869484dd6aC5FaF925c8386CBF7573D'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '30s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '6m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 100
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 15
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '3m0s'

Enabled = true
MinAttempts = 3

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'FeeHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '0'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 40
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '4s'

HistoryDepth = 2000
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 1
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

WeMix Mainnet (1111)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'wemix'
FinalityDepth = 10
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x80f1FcdC96B55e459BF52b998aBBE2c364935d69'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '3s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '30s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 2
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '40s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 1
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

WeMix Testnet (1112)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
ChainType = 'wemix'
FinalityDepth = 10
FinalityTagEnabled = true
LinkContractAddress = '0x3580c7A817cCD41f7e02143BFa411D4EeAE78093'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '3s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 1
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '30s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 2
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '40s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'BlockHistory'
PriceDefault = '20 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = true
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = false
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 1
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Core Testnet (1114)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 7
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LinkContractAddress = '0x6C475841d1D7871940E93579E5DBaE01634e17aA'
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '3s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'FeeHistory'
PriceDefault = '35 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3
SamplingInterval = '1s'
MaxAllowedFinalityDepth = 10000
FinalityTagBypass = true
PersistenceEnabled = true

PollFailureThreshold = 5
PollInterval = '10s'
SelectionMode = 'HighestHead'
SyncThreshold = 5
LeaseDuration = '0s'
NodeIsSyncingEnabled = false
FinalizedBlockPollInterval = '5s'
EnforceRepeatableRead = true
DeathDeclarationDelay = '1m0s'
NewHeadsPollInterval = '0s'

ContractConfirmations = 4
ContractTransmitterTransmitTimeout = '10s'
DatabaseTimeout = '10s'
DeltaCOverride = '168h0m0s'
DeltaCJitterOverride = '1h0m0s'
ObservationGracePeriod = '1s'

GasLimit = 5400000

GasLimitDefault = 400000

Core Mainnet (1116)

AutoCreateKey = true
BlockBackfillDepth = 10
BlockBackfillSkip = false
FinalityDepth = 27
FinalityTagEnabled = false
LogBackfillBatchSize = 1000
LogPollInterval = '3s'
LogKeepBlocksDepth = 100000
LogPrunePageSize = 0
BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 100
MinIncomingConfirmations = 3
MinContractPayment = '0.00001 link'
NonceAutoSync = true
NoNewHeadsThreshold = '3m0s'
LogBroadcasterEnabled = true
RPCDefaultBatchSize = 250
RPCBlockQueryDelay = 1
FinalizedBlockOffset = 0
NoNewFinalizedHeadsThreshold = '0s'

Enabled = true
ForwardersEnabled = false
MaxInFlight = 16
MaxQueued = 250
ReaperInterval = '1h0m0s'
ReaperThreshold = '168h0m0s'
ResendAfterThreshold = '1m0s'

Enabled = false

Enabled = false

Enabled = true

Mode = 'FeeHistory'
PriceDefault = '30 gwei'
PriceMax = '115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665.640564039457584007913129639935 tether'
PriceMin = '1 gwei'
LimitDefault = 500000
LimitMax = 500000
LimitMultiplier = '1'
LimitTransfer = 21000
EstimateLimit = false
BumpMin = '5 gwei'
BumpPercent = 20
BumpThreshold = 3
EIP1559DynamicFees = false
FeeCapDefault = '100 gwei'
TipCapDefault = '1 wei'
TipCapMin = '1 wei'

BatchSize = 25
BlockHistorySize = 8
CheckInclusionBlocks = 12
CheckInclusionPercentile = 90
TransactionPercentile = 60

CacheTimeout = '10s'

HistoryDepth = 100
MaxBufferSize = 3