Streams Trade Implementation
The Streams Trade implementation combines Chainlink Data Streams with Chainlink Automation to enable automated trade execution. This implementation allows decentralized applications to automate trade execution, mitigate frontrunning, and limit bias or adverse incentives in executing non-user-triggered orders.

Read more about the Streams Trade Architecture and an example trading flow.
Getting Started
To implement Streams Trade in your application:
- First, ensure Chainlink Automation is available on your desired network by checking the Supported Networks page.
- Review the Architecture Documentation to understand the system components.
- See an Example Trading Flow to understand how trades are executed.
- Follow our Getting Started Guide to set up your first integration.
Common Use Cases
Streams Trade is particularly well-suited for:
- Perpetual Futures Protocols: Enable high-performance onchain perpetual futures that can compete with centralized exchanges
- Automated Market Making: Implement sophisticated market making strategies with real-time price updates
- Options Protocols: Enable precise and timely settlement of options contracts
- Prediction Markets: Allow quick responses to real-time events with accurate settlement data